
Bathroom, Toilet, Kitchen, Laundry, Re-Modeling, Room Conversions, etc...
Retaining Walls, Fences, Paving, Concreting, Grass, Garden Beds, etc...
Why Choose Us
Home Crew is a group of all-rounded carpenters with years of extensive experience delivering high quality at a reasonable price.
With years of experience and hundreds of completed works Home Crew is the best possible choice for your home renovation or maintenance project!
High Quality
Home Crew always delivers high quality of all our works. We will find the most effective way of doing your work and will use only high quality materials to achieve best result!
Best Prices
Home Crew offers great prices for all our services and works! Please feel free to ask us about the discount if you are a pensioner or hold a concession card!
2 Year warranty for painting and non-structural works, 12 Month warranty on Grout and Caulking works, 6 Year warranty for all structural works
Call Dennis To Get Your Free On-Site Quote Today
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